What is Church?

This is similar to the question “What church should I go to?”  We have come to understand church as “my church, “your church”, and their church. What about “God’s Church?

God’s church is different.  In our language, the word Church refers most often to the building.  There usually is a local building where the church meets, but the church is more than the building.  The Greek word used in the Bible for church actually is defined as “A calling out”.  In 1 Corinthians chapter 12 and Ephesians chapter 2, The Bible teaches us that the church of God is the body of Christ.  It is awesome that God does not have to live in a physical temple, but can now live in His people. 

Christ was the founder of God’s Church.  Ephesians 2:20 tells us that Jesus Christ was the corner stone.  Historically, the corner stone established the location and dimensions of the church.  To argue with the location and dimensions of what Christ established is impossible.   In Matthew 12:30 it is recorded that Christ himself said, “He that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.”

Christ has a special relationship with God’s church.  Understanding that there is one church is as important as understanding the beauty of marriage.  In Ephesians chapter 5 the apostle Paul told “men to love their wives even as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it”.  The rest of this chapter explains the similarities of this relationship.  Allowing for more than one wife, or some substitute for a wife changes the relationship.  The wife even takes on the name of her husband.

God gave his church a special name.  God wanted His identity on His church.  Christ called it after God’s own name (John 17:11-12).  In Acts 20:28it is recorded that Paul made a speech the elders at the church of Ephesus where he called out the “church of God”.  Many of Pauls’ letters to the various congregations were addressed to “the church of God at” and then the location was given. 

The church of God is built according to God’s pattern.   God cannot tolerate sin because it separates people from Him (Isaiah 59:2).  The first dwelling place of God on Earth had to be built perfectly according to God’s plan (Hebrews 8:5).  For God to live in His people, as His church, they must also be spiritually perfect.  The church of God is called out of the world to live righteous, holy, and godly lives.

Come and visit.  We want you to come and see what God has given to us.  God lives in us and we are different from the world.  You can be different too.  We want to share the peace and joy that we have found in being part of the church of God.