
Christ’s Second Coming

The End of Time and the Final Judgment Jesus Christ is coming again. Acts 1:1-11:(1)  The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all ...

Divorce & Remarriage

Jesus taught but one exception for divorce and remarriage. Matthew 5:31-32:(31)  It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her ...

Tithe – God’s Financial System

Tithe means the tenth part (10%). God established and honored a definite system of giving very early in the history of mankind. Genesis 4:1-7:(1)  And ...

Modesty – The Bible Dress Standard

Does God care about what people look like or how they attire themselves? After Adam and Eve sinned, they dressed themselves as they pleased. Genesis ...

True Bible Tongues

For God is not the author of confusion... The first mention in the New Testament of people speaking in other tongues: Acts 2:1-4:(1) And when ...